Did you know that earning affiliate income is only as effective as the systems you put in place? Just like any business, your affiliate income business requires processes.
Wouldn’t it be nice to sell another product to your existing customer in the future? Wouldn’t it be nice to continue to sell many products into the future that can help your customer? Well, if you are not collecting email addresses and building a list, you are missing out on great income potential for your affiliate business.
Building a list does not happen by default. That’s because Clickbank does not share the email address of your customer. You need a process to collect those email addresses before the sale goes to Clickbank. And you need it to be an automated process that can not only collect the email address, but also can market (automatically) in the future to your customer.
That’s the whole point about Clickbank Pirate. It’s a fully automated system that builds your list for you, and continues to make sales into the future by automatically promoting new products to them. This is fully automated. The follow up emails are automated, the promotions are automated, and the sales are automated… and you get the money because everything is sold using your unique Clickbank ID.
Your affiliate income business just got a whole lot easier with Clickbank Pirate.